A coalition of various business associations and trade bodies urged the government to urgently enact a law that would protect companies including small and medium enterprises against their inability to honour legal contracts because of the movement control order.
News Articles
Businesses allowed to operate during MCO can go full capacity tomorrow
All economic sectors that have been allowed to operate during the movement control order (MCO) period can ramp up their operations to full capacity starting tomorrow, said International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali.
Crucial lifeline for SMEs
As of now, companies are still finding it difficult to get the Special Relief Fund (SRF), which was increased to RM5bil under the special stimulus package for SMEs.
廖利良: 助解决现金流 GST退款速归还中小企
McMillan Woods Global总裁兼企业家税务会计师拿督斯里廖利良指出,销售及服务税(SST)取代消费税(GST)制度至今已有近两年时间,但许多企业雇主仍被拖欠“消费税(GST)退款”,并指这些退款必须要尽快退还给中小企业雇主,以帮助他们解决目前严峻的现金流量状况。
MCO: EPF extends employers April 2020 contribution payment date
The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) has extended the date for employers to remit their mandatory contribution for the salary month of March 2020 (April contributions), from this Wednesday (April 15) to April 24, 2020, in light of Malaysia’s ongoing Movement Control Order (MCO).
Twin threat
The government doesn’t seem to understand how businesses operate, especially in a pandemic environment, industry players said yesterday.
COVID-19 Live Talk: Pre-Government Announcement – Winners & Losers! What Proactive Actions Can SMEs take?
Discussion on the performance of the Capital Market and what’s the impact on Ringgit Malaysia.
Malaysian economy – Heads above water or Busted?
How is the market faring with up-to-date information?
What’s the current situation with the front-liners especially the medical fields and what the public needs to do to help with the purging of the coronavirus.
MCO: Five more roads to be closed in PJ starting April 10
Police will close five more roads in the district to enforce the movement control order (MCO) here. Petaling Jaya OCPD Asst Comm Nik Ezanee Mohd Faisal (pic) said the five closures to be made were routes heading into Mutiara Damansara, Damansara Perdana and Flora Damansara.
Hackers post hundreds of verified Zoom accounts on dark web
Details such as passwords, meeting IDs, host keys and names belonging to Zoom account users have been posted on the dark web, according to a report by Yahoo Finance.
COVID-19 CRISIS LIVE TALK: Post-Government Announcement – What’s in it for SMEs?
Are the SME Business owners happy with this latest special stimulus package proposal?
Let’s understand what’s the implementation plan for the SMEs to lay their hands on this financial aid? Will this MCO be extended? If it is, what’s next?
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